- Performance of Political Science Optional Subject has always been impressive with top notch rankings.It is very much GS-Friendly.
- In Preliminary Exam every year, 8-10 questions are asked from Indian freedom movement and 15 to 20 questions are asked from Indian polity and Governance section. Nowadays the level of difficulty of these questions is increasing every year, therefore a student with in-depth knowledge of Indian Constitution and Politics is much better equipped to successfully handle such questions and gain crucial marks. Besides 3 to 8 questions can be expected from International Affairs/International Institutions section. And to remind you, the questions from this section would be basically answerable and won’t be complicated. A Political Science student is mandated by his syllabus to master these sections anyway.
- Also it is quite helpful in tackling other sections sometimes for e.g. in CSAT 2014; the geography question regarding the location of Turkey was a sitter for students with Sci. optional as area in question was integral to the “Ukraine Crisis”. Similarly questions on Arab Spring, BRICS Summits, AGNI –IV and Region often in news (Chechnya, Darfur & Swat Valley) were directly from IR portion of Pol. Sci. (Paper 2).Consequently the student found these areas in prelims to his advantage.
- In other words, anyone who intends to clear prelims can never neglect Indian Polity section. to clear prelims can never neglect Indian Polity section. Anyone who takes Political Science as optional would study Indian Polity and Governance along with International Relations anyway consequently saving time for other topics for the preliminary exam. In this way the preparation for Prelims and Mains would get integrated for a Political Science student.
No. Of Questions From Polity - (Including Indian National Movement , IR And Defence) |
2010 |
5 |
2011 |
8 |
2012 |
18 |
2013 |
18 |
2014 |
15 |
2015 |
> 30 |
2016 |
15 |
2017 |
> 26 |
2018 |
> 20 |
2019 |
> 20 |
2020 |
> 20 |
2021 |
> 20 |
- I made no distinction in study for Prelims and Mains till April 2010, and later only started paying more attention to factual details”– Karthik Iyer, All India Rank 7 in 2010 CSE with Political Science as one of the optional while referring to his preparation of Paper 1 – Section B of Political Science.
- In the newly revised General Studies Mains syllabus nearly 60 Percentage of Political Science Syllabus topics is covered. If one sees the questions from General Studies Paper 2 –Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, Indian Diaspora and International relations – and relate with Political Science Question Papers I and II, it could hardly make any difference between the two. For example in the year 2013, all questions from International Relations section in GS-II were directly from the topics covered in Paper 2 of Political Science and International Relations.
- In Essay paper [250 marks] almost every year there is one topic related to Indian Government and Politics and International relations. In Mains 2021 almost 5 topics could be answered with the knowledge of Political Science.
- The subject being very dynamic because major area of focus under Political Science syllabus is on applied dimensions. [For instance-actual working of principal organs of the Union Government and those of the state government (paper 1 topic no 4 (a) & (b)], you are constantly mandated to keep in touch with the newspaper. A Political Science student would feel that the entire newspaper every day is some way or the other related to his syllabus. Extracting useful information every day from newspapers and magazines is a cumbersome and time consuming task, therefore guidance from an expert faculty becomes indispensable in terms of which topics to focus on and which ones to avoid.
- Since almost all the factual parts of the syllabus have been deleted in the new syllabus, the conceptual understanding in Political Science theory section would make a better presentation of the answers possible.
- Also, answer writing practice especially for the conceptual portions of the subject gives experience for answering questions in the general studies papers.
- There is general notion that Political Science syllabus is exhaustive and extensive, technically it’s not as
- Repetition of Topics is there-Marxism, Marx, Gramsci, Marxist notion of state.
- Topics are interrelated –Thoughts of Mill, Bentham and Liberal notions of state, democracy, justice are complementary to each other.
- Ideas of Marxism, Liberalism, Feminism, new social movement, and issues like environment, democracy, Human rights is in Paper-1 as well as in paper-2.
- Lastly, in interview the subject comes to be extremely handy as a good knowledge of Governance, Polity and IR can result in very good marks and finally scale the gap between getting a recommendation and missing it by a few marks and investing one more year of your life in preparation.
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We started our journey from Delhi since 2005. Few Senior Aspirants initiated this startup. Those who had initiated have later got in to Civil Services. Till Mid 2009 we were doing Postal Coaching [Based at Delhi] for UPSC CIVIL SERVICES EXAM. We even had three outlets to sell our study materials at Delhi namely 1. Bharat Book Center opp to JNU. 2. Jawahar Book Center opp TO JNU 3.Hari Om Book center in Mukherjee Nagar. We had students right from Kanyakumari, Arunchal Pradesh, Nagaland, Jammu and almost every length and breadth of India.
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Study Materials – Political Science and International Relations

He Studied Electrical Engineering at IIT, Kharagpur. Despite his brilliant academics and lucrative Career in Private Sector, with his prestigious IIM (Bangalore) graduation, he aspired to become IAS and cracked the toughest nut of UPSC with his patience and perseverance. He made investment on himself, worked for it, and is now a Unicorn in himself.
Anshul Gupta IAS

His impressive writing abilities with clarity of thought made him achieve this. He used to write tests and essays and come to institute after 7.00 pm also. On Few Days he had even come at 9.00 p.m. That shows his dedication. Our faculty had waited till he comes. That’s the kind of personal touch every student gets at our Institute.
Siva Krishnamoorty IAS

Raja Sir’s guidance and support helped me achieving my dream service of IAS. My optional subject was Political Science and International Relations. I fully relied on Sir’s inputs. Its my pleasure to thank him for his mentoring.
Bharani Kumar IAS

An alumni of College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, IIM Graduate, Ex Employee of RBS, is now an Indian Revenue Service Officer. He enrolled with us for Classes of Sociology, Political Science and International Relations, Current Affairs and General Studies Prelims Test Batch. He also guided our students for one batch of CSAT – Aptitude.
Jai Arvind IRS

I joined Raja Sir’s Cracking IAS for General Studies & Essay. Study materials and tests provided by Raja Sir were crispy and catering to the exact demands of UPSC Civil Services Exam. Thank you Raja Sir.
Rajarshi Das Gupta IRS

Nitika Pawar obtained 18th rank in Civil Services Examination 2011 in her first attempt for the most prestigious position of Indian Administrative Services (IAS). Nitika Pawar had completed her B.Tech in Biotechnology. She joined us for the optional subject Political Science and International Relations.
Nitika Pawar IAS (AIR, 18)

She is an alumnus of MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai . With her tireless efforts and calm, composed approach to UPSC Civil Services Exam, she made it in her very first attempt immediately after her Graduation. Her optional subject was Political Science and International Relations.
Saranya Baskar IAAS, AIR 143

Sir, I got personalised attention and especially your tests have helped me a lot. I will not forget your emphasis on Phytoremediation question which exactly got reflected in GS – Mains. Points notified during Mock Interview Session helped me to perform well in UPSC Interview.
U. Swaroop IAS

She was deeply impacted by something that Steve Jobs often spoke about – connecting the dots. “You have to place your trust and belief in something and keep working towards it. It will all somehow start making sense and come together,” says Uma. After facing so many failures, Uma just got it in her 6th attempt.